

The Lifeways Foundation is poised to extend our operations to the Northen Regions of Ghana by the end of 2023. According to the Ghana Health Serice and the Ghana Statistical Services, poverty is high and widespread and many cannot afford the cost of basic health services on their own. Agriculture remains the predominant sector, with over 90% of the productive age group being peasant farmers. 



The foundation was represented at the Mentorship and Volunteerism Excellence Summit and Awards 2023 held in the capital city of Accra at the Holiday Inn hotel. It was an interesting moment learning how some nonprofits emerged and the challenges they encountered along the way. It was a great networking opportunity and ideas exchange for a common goal to impact society possitively.

Official Partner


The AMOpportunities connects medical students and graduates with U.S. physicians and institutions for clinical experiences. Their innovative services allow trainees to confidently search, apply, and attend the experience they need in the US.



We are thrilled to commence an effective Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) course by the last quarter of this year. Our network institutiions are being engaged for their collaborative supports. We can deduce from the data from the Ghana Aids Commision, Ghana Health Services, and other relevant state agencies report that sexual exploitation and abuse is still prevalent despite all efforts to curb it.

We are ready to join the fight!



Lifeways Disability Fund to be inaugurated soon.

Official Partner


Educare is a thriving local organisation in Ghana that provide learning materials to schools through the partnership with other agencies and nonprofits who share their vision and execute same to improve education.

Lifeways Foundation can't do what it does without your prayers and financial support. We appreciate your kind heart even as you partner with Lifeways Foundation to inspire change to better lives and livelihoods.